Saturday, November 3, 2012

It's been a while

So, it's been a long time since my last post & lots has changed! I am now a Mummy to a beautiful 6 month old baby girl :)  It has been the most joyful experience of my life. 

So, what of paleo and my diet?  Well, trying to maintain my healthy diet through my pregnancy became somewhat of a challenge when a staple favourite caused a rather unpleasant bout of morning/afternoon - ah, come off it, let's be honest, ALL DAY sickness! So, paleo, ended up being sidelined, in a bid to eat something! That said, as my pregnancy progressed, I found I was able to regain a good, balanced diet, that yes, did include grain - but in moderate amounts I think.  I manged to continue to crossfit through most of my pregnancy - although in a hugely modified way! And giving birth, well that was the longest WOD of my life! In fact, it was more a WO Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Than just the 'day'.

Six months into parent-hood and time is moving on, and although our balanced diet has remained, the unhealthy habits have slowly crept back in.  I have suffered from tendonitis since having our baby - so my crossfit too has suffered.  And my partner and mentor/coach has suffered from a torn ACL, so has been somewhat immobile too.  But, the summer approaches, and with no excuses, we have made a resolution to make a fresh start.  So, today heralds the start of no grain, no sugar (it turns out - I'm a chocolate addict since having a baby - who knew!?) and we are going to try and reduce our meat intake - this last one being for economic reasons. 

Firstly, we shopped properly - planning our menu and snacks and making a list! Then we begin.  Tomorrow, we will have stuffed butternut squash! Yum - watch this space!

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